Friday 8 June 2012

Taipei and Wedding Photography at Shilin Night Market

After spending a couple of days at Sun Moon Lake, my next stop was the capital of Taiwan - Taipei. Foodie that I am, my first stop was the famous Shilin night market, the biggest night market in Taipei. Compared to the other night markets I had been to, I would say that Shilin takes the cake for being the biggest. One could get lost amidst stalls selling takoyaki balls and deep fried chicken!

It wasn't the food, delicious as it was, that stopped me in my tracks at Shilin. A wedding couple did. There I was, happily meandering about with the locals, and what should I see but a couple in full wedding attire smack dab in the middle of a noisy, humid and crowded night market!

It was quite a bizarre, but pleasant sight. From what I can tell, Taiwan is a rather popular place for wedding photography and I was experiencing a personal encounter with a full on Hollywood-style photography team right in the middle of Shilin so I thought I may as well join in the fray and take some photos of my own. I hope the wedding couple doesn't mind!  

Shilin night market

Wife: "Let's get married at the night market, baby!"
Husband: "Anything for you honey, give me a minute while I get up on this stool..."

Close up of the wedding couple

I noticed many journalists and locals taking the photo of this person and was informed that she is some Taiwanese starlet. If anyone knows who this is, I would really love to find out!

My night at Shilin was turning out to be a paparazzi haven, what with wedding shoots and starlets officiating at the opening of food stalls. One can't help but get the sense that just about everything happens in Taipei. 

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